Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Museum Reflection

How did it go.  Write some of your thoughts about the museum trip.  What impressed you?

Renew requirements

Make sure you finish your blog. Make sure that you rewrite you artist statement.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Here is a better way to create a power point that is fun and can be more interactive.  It is called a Prezi.  Try it some time.  You are not required to use this at this time.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Post all of your techniques

On your blog, make sure that you are taking pictures of your practice sheets and recording the techniques under the picture.  Name them.  For example, brush with acrylics.  Thanks.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Your assignment

Create a photo montage and post it to your blog.  You may use the drawing boards too for this assignment.  Try to think of something that really rocks your boat and makes you want to change things.  John Heartfield took a change....he did get kicked out of Germany.  

The power of persuasion

.jpg// Adolph Hitler hated a lot of art, particularly Expressionism.  He wanted art to be "the messenger of noble and beautiful things." He did not want to examine difficult emotions or social problems.  Family Portrait is an example of the kind of art he liked.
Examine the portrait painted by Wolf Willrich, in 1939, and try to explain the iconography of the picture.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Van Gogh and his paintings

Describe how Van Gogh used color to create his moods? How is his artwork so different from other artist of his time?

Friday, January 13, 2012

Art Students Respond to 5 entries

Art students click on the various posts and write a response.  Have fun.

Art student exam

It is almost the end of the marking period, and most of you have done different projects. The final exam is going to be difficult to write. I think 1/2 of your grade should be a journal. What do you think?

Art Students reaction to Wyeth

I love the American Artist Wyeth.  His pictures are alive and colorful. This is one of my favorites.  Go online and check out his work.  See if you can find the name of this one. What do you think?

Art student look at Morphing

Enjoy this morphing video.  What do you think?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Art students compliment

This marking period has gone fast and is rapidly coming to a conclusion. I am proud of the progress and hope to see increasing improvement. Good job students.